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Monday, October 28, 2013

Good Bacteria

When I was a boy, I wouldn't have believed that there was such a thing as good bacteria.  I was well-versed in germ theory and knew that the reason you washed your hands was to get rid of germs.  And they were all bad.

Even when I finished medical school, I don't think I understood how important good bacteria were.  My goal, as a physician, was to eliminate bad bacteria and if there were some casualties of innocent good bacteria along the way, so be it.

But as time goes by, medical science has discovered more and more how important good bacteria are for health.  Taking probiotic pills (good bacteria pills) prevents upper respiratory infections, reduces infant colic, and tempers the gastrointestinal side effects of antibiotics.

In a sense, this relates to my mission as a dad.  It often feels like the goal of my life is to wipe out bad behavior.  I am constantly telling my children -- "Don't throw that down the stairs!" or, "Don't bite him!" or, other pithy statements, designed to reduce the bad behaviors that are not infrequent in my progeny.  Even in my relationship with my patients, I scold them for all of the bad, unhealthy behaviors they are engaged in.  But then, what remains?

It is so important, not just to eliminate bad behaviors, but to replace them with good things.  Nature abhors a vacuum and humans cannot live in one for any length of time.  If someone drinks too much, simply eliminating the drinking will simply leave a void, that needs filling.  Exercising, going to church and AA meetings will fill time that was otherwise spent with alcohol.

There is no salvation in doing good works, but the goal of life is not just to do nothing bad, it is to use my talents -- every one of them -- for God.  And as I do that, I certainly will have less time available for getting into trouble.

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