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Friday, October 25, 2013

Bag Phone

I remember clearly my mother's first cell phone.  It was a bag phone of considerable size, but it certainly beat hunting everywhere for a pay phone and using a calling card.

That was in the late 1980s and there were an awful lot of dead spots.  The funny thing was, she continued to use the bag phone into the mid 90s, when the cell phone company refused to let her continue using a bag phone.  There were smaller options that they (not she) wanted her to use.

When I moved to Paoli thirteen years ago, I found that cell phones were not very usable.  Just about anywhere south or west of town had almost no coverage.

Over time since then, the coverage has gotten better.  There was always a dead spot though, between Roland and Shoals, where I couldn't send or receive phone calls.

Now, the cell phone company is putting up a tower there, too.  One more place where I am 'reachable.'

Still, there thousands of miles in this country that are still uncovered by cell phone towers.  They are places that are far from civilized things like telephones.

None of these places is out of sight or reach of God.  So it says in Psalms 139.  There is no place in space or, time that is hidden from God.  And not only does He see me -- better than the best NSA surveillance plan -- He listens to me as well.

Better than the best satellite phone is prayer.  It is a line that is always open, with great coverage.  And the best part is who is on the other end, waiting for me to call upon Him in time of need and in time of plenty.

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