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Monday, October 7, 2013


The last three or four weeks were really dry here in southern Indiana at the end of August. Everything turned from a bright green color to a tannish color as we headed towards the fall.

The only bright side was that I didn't have to mow the lawn as often -- well, and that Elaine didn't have to figure out what to do with four new zucchini squash a week.

At the beginning of the summer, I planted a lot of different things, but one that seems to reward me, even on the driest days are the sunflowers. I really didn't do anything to them. I didn't water them, really didn't even take care of them. Yet, despite the arid weather, when I walked out of the garden, I could always see their bright faces smiling at me.

Why are sunflowers so happy, even in dry times? Well, I suppose, because it is their nature to be that way. They couldn't be any other way, even if they tried.

As I look at their yellow heads, pointed at the sun, I know that this too, is a secret. For I have found the dry times of my life are more likely to draw scowls from my face than smiles. However when I keep my face towards my sun -- Jesus -- I am more likely to keep my sense of joy. Even more, I would allow Christ to transform my inner self into one filled with joy. Hard times do reveal who I am on the inside. And in the summer's heat, I would have only joy bubble forth.

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