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Monday, October 21, 2013

Super foods

"It's a Quinoa salad," the lady told me.  "It's very good and you know, Quinoa is really 'hot' right now.  It's really a super food."

Over time, I have heard that many foods were super foods.  These included things like Blueberries, Soybeans, Green Tea,  Avocados and now, Quinoa.  I'm still not sure who decides that a particular food is nutritious enough to deserve the designation of super food.  I can only imagine that it is probably Dr. Oz who does so, in his nearly infinite wisdom.

Now, I am not against the consumption of blueberries or, soy, or even quinoa (although my quinoa salad wasn't that great), but I am afraid that the designation of super food takes away from the basic idea of healthy eating -- balance.

You would think that there would be no limit to the amount of super foods that you could eat, clearly more should be better.  The reality is quite a bit different.  A good diet includes a wide variety of foods, with plenty of fruits and vegetables.

I am afraid that when it comes to the Gospel, many people want to set up residence on the "important" commands and ignore the other things.  Things like love and mercy get prominent billing in such rankings.

Yet, Jesus did not ask His disciples to only teach the important things within the Gospel.  Rather in the His Great Commission, He instructed His followers to "teach them to observe all that I have commanded you."

There are no "super foods" found within the Gospel.  Rather each principle is important.  Our responsibility, as servants of Jesus, is to do and teach them all, through His transforming power.

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