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Friday, January 24, 2014

Potty Time

Elliot has been spending an awful lot of time, lately, sitting on the potty.  A lot of time.  During that time, he has been read a lot of stories, played some with an I pad, and struggled with boredom.

If you were to ask him, Elliot would tell you that all this is wasted time from his standpoint.  We are focused on giving him a skill he doesn't really care if he ever learns.

I suppose life is about learning unnecessary skills.  From potty training, to reading, to algebra, children are expected to learn things that they don't really care about -- at least at the time that they learn them.

Perhaps some of it is that children don't see the importance of the thing they are working on.  Probably more so, the problem is that they aren't really interested in learning at all.

It strikes me that I often have similar feelings when God is teaching me.  Whether it is patience, or endurance, or love, the lessons don't come easily and part way through, I want to cry out:  "I know this well enough.  Let's move on to something else."

Yet, it says about Jesus "Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from the things which He suffered." (Hebrews 5:8)  How much more will His servant suffer to learn to be like Him.

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