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Monday, December 2, 2013

Ice, Ice

I don't like ice in my drinks.  In fact, I don't even like them particularly cold.  I know this seems odd in the United States, the home of the "ice-cold beverage," but I would rather drink a room temperature glass of water than a cold one, any day of the week.

I suppose this all dates back to my childhood.  For one thing, my mother has (and had) really sensitive teeth.  For another thing, any cubes of solid water we had in our freezer were made with sulfur water, meaning that they added a very intriguing (I won't say good) flavor to anything you put them in.

The reality is that you can get used to and even grow to enjoy most things.  This is a very dangerous aspect of being human.

For, while there are many things for which it does not matter either way what you do, there are many things which have eternal importance.

It is the human tendency to look for societal norms as a guide for behavior.  But societal standards seem to be set by people who have little moral principle and who certainly have no relationship with Jesus Christ.

In such a world, it is awfully easy to allow sinful behavior to become the norm.  Yet, this should never be for the followers of Christ.

For, we know that Jesus did not come to this earth and give His life, just so that a group of uneducated fisherman could become culturally relevant.  Instead, He brought a set of standards that raise moral purity from the level of action to purity in thoughts and actions.  It is to this goal that His followers strive.

Let us never become used to the impurities of society, but rather live our lives with Jesus' perfect example as our goal.

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