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Friday, August 23, 2013

Public Restrooms

My son Vince likes public bathrooms.  While he is in them, he repeats a little mantra:  "Wash your hands, dry your hands!"

Perhaps it is the automatic sinks or, the weird paper towel dispensers, but he really like the filthy places.

Recently, we went to the Louisville Zoo and I took him into the bathroom.  As we were walking to the sink, a man stepped away from a urinal and headed straight for the door.  Vince perked up immediately.  In a loud voice he said:  "You forgot to wash your hands and dry your hands!"  The man shot him a dirty look and then continued out of the bathroom.

Somebody is watching.  Oh, I have known since I was a boy that Jesus is watching me.  And certainly that is plenty of reason to not say or do anything that would displease Him.  But there are lots of others who are watching too.

My children -- even somebody else's children -- hear the things that I say and absorb the things that I do.  I suppose maybe I should be worried that they think less of me if they see me doing the wrong things, but that really isn't my concern.

My worry is that my children will follow in my footsteps and find that they lead to destruction.  For, I pray that they would discover that their father has clean hands and a pure heart before God.  Even in moments when I think that no one else is watching.

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