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Monday, August 19, 2013

Fall Garden

I am thinking about a fall garden.  I say thinking, because while we've had a good garden this summer, with plenty of production and plenty of rain, there comes a time in the year when I start to get tired.

I am always excited in the spring, pouring over garden catalogs and thinking about how much corn seed and bean seed to buy and if I want to try anything different from usual to grow.  Then, I have lots of energy and desire to get out and turn over the soil.  Lots of wondering, as well, about what kind of year the spring and summer will bring.

I suppose it is the way that humans are.  As it is described in Ecclesiastes 12, the aging process is kind to none of the faculties "...and desire fails, because man is going to his eternal home and the mourners go about the streets -- before the silver cord is snapped..."  I have been built in such a way that I will eventually wear out.

I guess I am thinking about that more this week, because my wife, Elaine's grandmother has just passed on to her eternal rest.  And I know that grandmother was not sorry to say good bye as her time to graduate came, even though we will miss her.

It is a blessing to know that after work in the summer's heat, there will come rest.

I decided to go ahead with a fall garden -- planting some spinach, lettuce, and peas.  But there will still come a time when I will rest from planting and weeding and harvesting.  Even more, there is coming a time when my Lord will call me home to rest from all my labors.  And I will gladly go.  For my desire to see Him, to be with Him, is greater than any other thing I could wish for.

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