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Friday, June 17, 2022

Home Made Pop Tarts?


One day, it transpired that as I scrolled through Facebook, I came upon a recipe for Home Made Pop Tarts.  I studied the recipe with much care.  Within the safety of my home, I have "cooked" Pop Tarts and it seemed to me that there wasn't explanation needed -- only a toaster.

This recipe was different and seemed to be a not-so-ancient attempt to mimic a breakfast "food" that is available at most grocery stores.  I noted in my studies that it seemed to involve multiple steps and much effort.  The preparation time, as indicated by the recipe was roughly three and a half hours.

Mayhap the designer of this recipe did not truly understand the allure of the mystical entree of the breakfast table, the Pop Tart.  It is within the Realm of Possibility that this great chef did not comprehend that the whole purpose of Pop Tarts can be summed up in one word:  Speedy.

I am More than Certain that if it took three and a half hours to prepare a Pop Tart, even though one got the same artificial blueberry or cherry cough syrup flavors, fewer people would eat them.  For the question that arises most often with a meal is not what is healthy, but rather what we have time for.  Nine out of ten times quick beats healthy.

As I pondered on this subject, I came to the realization that one quality that is lacking in our society is Patience.  There is a veritable Horde of people who would rather eat fast garbage than to take the time to prepare something truly Worth Eating.

I make a feeble attempt to raise vegetables in a garden plot.  If there is one thing that takes time and requires patience, it is the process of raising food in a garden.  I planted my tomato plants from seed three months ago and it still will be two or three weeks before I begin to see red fruits on those vines.

It would be wise for us to attempt things that require patience.  There are many things that have great worth -- enough that taking time and effort and patience to bring them to pass is worthwhile.

Of course, not everything is worth investing the time in either.  I know that when we get our first tomatoes and green beans, the time I have invested in our garden will be worth it.

I'm not so sure about the investment of three and a half hours in making Home Made Pop Tarts...


  1. Replies
    1. Here is a link to one: It's surprising how many different folks have posted homemade pop tart recipes.
