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Friday, May 20, 2022



In the House of Waldron at times there transpire odd conversations.  I record these conversations almost as they occur, but with perhaps some editing for the Readers at Home.

So it was that as I was standing, mouse-like in my bedroom, I overheard my wife speaking to our youngest daughter.  “Elise,” Elaine said.  “What has thou on thy face and lips?  For behold, Thou art Greatly Sticky and yet, Thou hast not the appearance of one who has been eating frosting – nor is there any Frosting in the house, for that matter.”

My fair daughter made no reply, but only a little while later I beheld her carrying a stick of something which is frequently found in the desks of Elementary School Children – a Glue Stick.  As I beheld Fair Elise, she made much effort and succeeded in freeing the cap from the Glue Stick.  Thereupon she began to smear the glue on her lips and surrounding face.

“Elise!”  I said, in a voice of much surprise.  “Thou must not smear glue over Thy face!  It is not made to be used thus!”

Elise gazed at her father without comprehension.  “Elise wants to use Chapstick!”  She stated firmly.

Being a most excellent father, I removed the Glue Stick to Parts Unknown for safe keeping.  For, while the Glue of Elmer is not toxic, it is not intended for Dermatologic Use either.

I pondered on my daughter’s use of glue in place of Chapstick.  It seemeth unlikely to be a fad that will catch on.  For though young people seem to enjoy locking lips with their favorite someone, they might not enjoy staying in such a position Long Term.

There are plenty of things in this world that are excellent in their place, but not so great out of it.  Pepper is a wondrous seasoning for meat, but not so good in the Tapioca at the Home for Retired Farmers.  Turpentine is amazing as pain thinner, but Not So Great as a cure for acne.

Even so, there are many good things that if used in the wrong place cease to be virtues.  It seemeth that one who claims to be displaying patience while watching a home burn down, would be wiser to make use of a telephone with much speediness.  The number 911 takes little time to dial and Availeth Much.

It seems as though many decide that they are good at one Virtue and use it in all situations -- whether it applies or not.  Perhaps that virtue is Love, or mayhap it is Honesty, or even Diligence.  It would be better to have more than one tool in thy tool bag.

For, he who only owns a hammer will do much damage to the furniture, even as he is trying to fix things that need a screw driver and a little finesse.

Perhaps the hard part with Christian virtues is to know which one to use and when.  The one who loveth greatly must also have a sense of Justice.  Knowing which one of these attributes to use in a given situation is crucial, just as my daughter would do well to know when to use Chapstick and when to use Elmer’s Phenomenal Glue Stick. 

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