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Friday, April 17, 2015

Flagging for the Lord

Southern Indiana has turned into a construction zone over the last two years.  I see orange barrels so often that I am afraid one night, I will wake up screaming in terror, as one chases me down an unfinished road and over a cliff.  It hasn't happened yet, but it certainly could.

Of course, with orange barrels come flaggers.  A sign along the side of the road says "One Lane Road Ahead," and around the corner is standing an unfortunate soul, whose job it is to wave a sign informing motorists that they must stop, as the next stretch of road is too narrow for two vehicles to pass at once.

The flaggers all seem to be a little unhappy.  They stand sullenly, staring blankly everywhere except at the drivers of the vehicles they are stopping -- that is, all except for one.  There is one middle aged gentleman, who holds his sign and smiles at the cars going by, waving frequently at the passing motorists.  I don't know him, or anything about him, but it seems that he is doing his best to cheer the hearts of those around him.

With every job there is a way to do it and get it done (hopefully well) and there is a way to do it and make it a blessing to others.  I hadn't really thought it was possible to do this as a flagger, but this man proved me wrong.

I think about this as I see patients.  There are times that I am slogging through my day, a little too tired to smile, just diagnosing folks and prescribing medications, but I really want to go beyond that.  I want to share a smile, listen to the thoughts behind the words.

I am not just working for the coughing people who walk through my doors, I am working for Jesus.  As I bless those I see, I am also blessing Him.

There is a way to do every job in such a way that it blesses others.  Even it is just smiling and waving at the frustrated motorists on the highway of life.

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