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Friday, April 10, 2015

An Easier Life

"I wish I could trade songs with Vince!"  Anna wailed as she sat at the piano bench with tears streaming down her cheeks.  "His songs are easy!  Mine are terribly hard!"

"But Anna," I told her.  "Vince hasn't been playing as long as you have and so of course, his songs are easier.  He'll get to your songs down the road."

There was no consoling her. Her songs were just too hard and Vince's were easier.  It just wasn't fair.

Of course, I didn't mention to her that I am sure her piano teacher has some other students are playing songs quite a bit harder than Anna's songs too.  How fair is that?

This is the danger of comparisons.  It seems like when we compare our situations, our talents, or even our children to others, we end up in one of two places.

Either we choose folks who are better off than ourselves, have better behaved children, and easier life circumstances and end up feeling dissatisfied with our lot or, we contrast ourselves with people who have less talent, worse life situation, and terribly behaved children and feel good about how successful we have been.  Neither one of these comparisons is useful.

The Apostle Paul says "For we would not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some of those who recommend themselves.  But when they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are without understanding."  Comparisons with others only lead to poor understanding of who I am and what my goal is.

My goal is not to be better than another human, it is to be like Christ.

Even when my life isn't easy, when my children aren't well behaved, or my baby doesn't sleep enough, I would not compare myself to others.  Maybe there are better children out there, people with easier lives, who get more sleep, but it doesn't matter.  These life circumstances and children are the ones God picked out for me.

I wouldn't choose differently if I could.

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