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Friday, March 20, 2015

Spring Peepers

A couple of weeks ago, snow filled the air and the temperatures plummeted to below zero.  Crazy weather for the first week of March in southern Indiana.  Then, scarcely a week later, it was sixty degrees and my children and I were running around outdoors without any jackets on.

That's when I heard the sound.  High pitched.  Fluctuating a little.  It is a sound that always brings a smile to me face.

The sound of spring peepers.

It is no bird that sings so loudly.  This sound is produced in the throats of many, many tiny frogs, barely an inch long.  Sitting in the mud, they raise their voices to say that yes, spring is on its way.

These are tiny creatures.  Each one with its little voice that has very little impact.  And even though it is swallowed up in the sounds of a huge Universe, each one still sings.

They are not singing to impress me or, other humans.  They are not even singing to other frogs.  They are singing because God made them with that one talent and they will use it to their utmost, for Him.

There are many times that I feel my voice is weak and far from beautiful.  There are times that I feel that my talents aren't very useful.  And yet, I still would praise my Maker, while I've breath.

It isn't for the other humans around me or, even to lift myself up on some emotional high, that I sing.  Rather it is for an audience of One, who is my focus.

It is a huge Universe and I am small.  No one has ever yet paid to hear me sing.  Still, God hears and hears the thought and the love behind my song.

And He accepts it.

That's why the Spring Peepers sing.

That's why I sing too.

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