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Friday, March 6, 2015

Simple Fun

Somehow this week, we were hit by another six inches of snow.  It was pretty late for such weather here, but it gave my children and me one more chance to go sledding

I've always wondered who came up with the idea of sledding.  Who decided to take a board and smooth it out and shape it, just so they could climb to the top of a high snowy hill and try slide down?

Even now, sleds are pretty ancient technology.  Other than the fact that most are now made of plastic, there isn't much that has been updated.  There are no shock absorbers, no brakes, and no safety features like seat belts or, air bags.  Not that you would really want to be strapped to one of these thin plastic toboggans anyway, in case of a wreck.

The biggest thing about them, is that they are fun.

Watching my children careening down our hill on these sleds makes me remember what fun is.  Genuine fun is simple, contagious, and shared.

I am afraid that too many in this world have forgotten that.  With all of the high tech devices out there and the complex game worlds that have been designed for them, the simplicity is gone and the shared aspect is left behind.

I would hope that for a few moments people would put away their phones, grab their kids and a sled and share a little winter joy together.  And when they are tired, come inside and drink hot chocolate together and pull out a board game and have more fun.

In the midst of this simple fun, something greater happens.  Relationships are formed, memories are made, and joy is kindled in eyes and hearts.

It doesn't really matter who was the first person to sled.  It is just important that we experience fun as a family.

Make it simple.

Make it shared.

That's what your children will remember.

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