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Saturday, October 30, 2021

Two Kinds of People

"There are two kinds of people in this world, morning people and evening people."

I have read many of these sorts of quotes.  "There are two types of people, those who are optimistic and those who aren't."

Or maybe, "There are two groups of people in this world.  Those who can extrapolate incomplete data."

"There are two groups of people -- those who divide people into two groups and everyone else."

I read over the different quotes and thought about it.  From a Christian perspective, there really are two groups of people.  I think many would sort them into those who have prayed a "Sinner's Prayer" and those who haven't.

Jesus told a parable in Matthew 25 about the Day of Judgement.  He said that all people would be divided into two groups -- sheep and goats.  One group would be rewarded and one judged, based on their actions.  He never mentions a special prayer or acknowledging His lordship.  Instead He brings up feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, caring for the sick, and visiting those in prison.  He finishes saying "I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers or sisters you were doing it to me!"

I don't understand all of what this means, but one message comes clearly through to me -- it doesn't matter what we say, if we aren't ministering to the needs of those who are lacking, there is a disconnect.  Our actions must demonstrate that we are Christ's servants.

I am afraid that many today believe that serving Jesus involves voting the right way or maybe posting the right meme on Facebook.  I think it has to mean more than that.  Serving Jesus means looking at people in need and seeing the face of my Savior and treating them like I would treat Him.  

Nothing could be simpler.  

Nothing could be harder.

When Jesus looks at this world and sees two groups of people, I know which group I want to be in.  Which group are you in?

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