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Sunday, October 10, 2021



"I want to be a doodler when I grow up!"  Victoria announced grandly to the rest of her family.

"You can't be a doodler," Elliot objected.  "That's not a job."

"She means an artist," Elaine put in.  "She'll draw pictures."

"No," Victoria said firmly.  "I like doodling better than drawing."

I found this whole exchange to be very amusing.  I suppose that the difference between art and doodling is a mixture of vision and intentionality.  Doodles are thoughtless and while some art appears random, there is some planning and preparation that goes into each painting or sculpture.

(I must confess that I cannot always discern the difference between doodling and some modern art, but that is probably due to some weakness in my character).

It is certainly easier to live life without either vision or intentionality.  In fact, this seems to be the path that many people are inclined to take.  They simply do the things that have to get done and react the best that they can to the trials that they face.

Ephesians 5:15,16 says "Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil."  Wisdom is seeing the path in front and making decisions based on where I want to be in the future.  Wisdom is choosing art over doodling -- even if art is harder.  

It is more rewarding to live with a vision in mind and intentionality about reaching that vision.

Our lives will be filled more than a few squiggles a long the way.  There will be times we are no longer working on Plan B or C and are actually working on Plan M.  In fact, more often than not we will not be working from our original plan. 

Don't let that stop us from thinking about the future and planning for it.  That is the thing that will keep us on the right path and away from the category of "World Champion Doodler."

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