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Saturday, January 14, 2017

Hand Dirty!


"Hand Dirty!  Hand Dirty!"  Victoria's voice was rising as she struggled to get someone to pay attention to her.  She was sitting at the table eating spaghetti and apparently some of the offending tomato sauce had made its way on to her skin.

"Just wait a second,"  I told her.

"No, hand dirty!" 

I stepped over to the sink and snagged a dish rag and stepped back to the table to wipe off my daughter's offending hand.

It is a little strange that she gets so upset when her hand is even a little dirty, but her face can be covered in grime and it doesn't effect her at all.  I suppose the difference is that she can see her hand, while it is the rest of us who get to look at her face.

In the hospital setting, clean hands are very important.  There are literally spies who watch whether staff uses anti microbial gels when entering and leaving patient rooms. Over the years, we have discovered that clean hands makes for healthier patients.

Many years ago, King David asked the question "Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord?  And who shall stand in his holy place?"  The answer was clear.  "He who has clean hands and a pure heart..."  Pure actions and right motives are needed for someone to be able to approach into God's presence.

I think Victoria has a tendency to get worked up to easily about how dirty her hands are, but in the real world, there are too many people who are content to get their hands a "little dirty" in order to get the results they desire.  While this may let you get to the top more easily, it is not a recipe for success in the eyes of God.

The only way to be accepted by Him is to prostrate ourselves before and lift our arms crying "Hand Dirty!"

Then He will wash them and lead us on to walk in purity.

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