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Friday, May 1, 2015

Opossums Are Special

Opossums are ugly -- at least to everyone but other opossums.  They are slow and anything but fierce.  No one would think of naming their sports team after them.  Somehow the "Paoli 'Possums" doesn't sound like it would strike fear in the heart of any but the most timid opponent.

At the same time, there is something special about opossums:  LTNF.

It turns out that opossums have something in their blood stream called Lethal Toxin Neutralizing Factor or, LTNF for short.  Opossums are not harmed by the bites of venomous snakes, or the stings of scorpions or bees.  LTNF even neutralizes the effects of the effects of botulinum toxin and the chemical weapon Ricin.

I had always heard that after World War III, only the cockroaches would survive to take over the world.  Maybe it would actually be the opossums.  Somehow "Planet of the 'Possums" doesn't sound like a big hit, though.

The reality is that God has made each opossum, each animal, and each human with individual attention to detail.  Psalm 139 says "I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well."

It is tough for me to appreciate the amazing detail that God placed into the people around me.  I -- and everyone else -- are part an amazing creation, and each one of us has been given individual, unique talents that serve a purpose.

There is something amazing about us all -- speedy cheetahs and powerful elephants and tiny lap dogs.

Even beady eyed, slow of foot, not-sure-if-they're-really-dead opossums.

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