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Friday, July 11, 2014

Small Kindnesses

My son, Vince, struggles with loud noises.  I remember taking him to a children's musical and holding him, shaking through the entire thing.  Recently, at his Grandma W's dedication service, a praise band played.  The whole time, Vince cowered with his hand covering his ears.

The sound of hand dryers in bathrooms really bothers him.  Recently, we were in a national park bathroom and he was waiting for me with his hands over his ears, fearful that someone would activate the hand dryer.

A man stepped to the sink and washed his hands.  Then, he glanced over and saw Vince.  Two boys were at the sink next to him, also washing their hands.

"Don't use the hand dryer," he said softly to them, nodded courteously to me and stepped out of the bathroom.

In that moment, I was overwhelmed.  I was overwhelmed that someone had seen my son, covering his ears and had understood what his fear was.  I was overwhelmed at the basic kindness shown to my son by a stranger.

I am convinced that kindness begins with perception.  It is not enough to have a heart full of love.  If I do not see my brother's need, if I do not understand his pain, I can do nothing to show love to him in that situation.

All too often, I am so busy about my business that I don't see those in need at the edges of my road.  I miss the needy hanging around in the shadows.

If I do not see a boy standing in a public bathroom covering his ears and understand what his need is, I will never show him love.

And that would be very sad indeed.

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