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Friday, September 27, 2024

"Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?



Lo, one day, about one week ago for those of a precise nature, my family and I wandered into a field.  While others may pass into locations such as this to gather daisies while they may, we had put on spangled jewels and finery and hired a personage who owned a Magic Box which when used could capture images that resembled our family greatly.

With this in mind, this personage, who I shall refer to as The Photographer, attempted to line up all those of the family and persuade us to change our normal foul looks into fair smiles.  With this, she was somewhat effective, although, the Youngest Maiden in our party did resist all attempts to get her to Cooperate and lo, within ten minutes she did Entirely Burn Out on the affair.

In a desperate attempt to coax a smile from the afore mentioned Forlorn Maiden, her family did ask her favorite riddle.  “Why did the chicken cross the road?”

Now mayhap, Fair Reader, that hast heard a riddling question somewhat similar, but Elise has a different answer from those that are found in books of lore.  For, when she has been asked this riddle, invariably she answereth, “To Get to Chick-Fil-A!!!”  And this answer, once given, is followed close on by gales of laughter.

So, it was on Family Photography Day, that Elise was asked many questions.  “Why did the camel Cross the Road?” and “Why did the Iguana Cross the Road?”  and more such questions than I can recount.

To all of these questions she thought, but little and then gave the Same Answer, “To get to Chick-Fil-A!”

And lo, these questions kept the once Forlorn Maiden smiling until The Photographer's Magic Box had nearly completed its work.

I pondered on my youngest child.  She knoweth One Answer and useth it muchly.  Yea, if thou wouldst believe her, then a wondrous gathering of Animals of All Species has gathered at a fast food restaurant whose slogan is “Eat More Chickin!”

If a School Child would use this approach and place within the Blank Space after each math question, the number 4, me thinks he would fail miserably.  At best, he might obtain one or two correct answers, while the rest would be inaccurate.

And yet…

There is an Answer for this world’s problems that is often overlooked, but this answer is not a What, but a Who.  For Jesus changes hearts and lives in such a way that healing can come and conflicts cease.

He told His followers, “I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.”  (John 15:5)

For those who follow Him, Jesus is the only Answer that they need.  He is a better answer than anything else and guaranteed to bring even more Joy than picturing a bunch of animals eating at Chick-Fil-A.

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