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Monday, May 31, 2021

Recruiting for the Kingdom


"Try Zip Recruiter, the smartest way to hire!"

I was listening to a podcast and this advertisement interrupted the podcast about history that I was listening to.  Since I'm not currently recruiting for new members of our family, I tuned it out.

Later, as my mind began to turn this ad over and over again, I began to think of God and how He recruits people to His service.  Certainly, He doesn't use Zip Recruiter or Linked In or any of the other normal internet job posting sites.

Isaiah 6 reveals a vision that Isaiah had at the beginning of his career as a prophet.  He saw God with all His might and glory, seated on a throne.  Then, Isaiah heard "The voice of the Lord, saying, 'Whom shall I send and who will go for us?'"  In response to this, Isaiah said, "Here am I, send me."

God is still looking for people willing to serve Him.  The problem is that so many of us believe ourselves over qualified for the positions that He has available.

It is a sad day when you are too big and important to work for the Creator of the Universe.

What would an internet board job posting for God's kingdom look like?  Maybe a little bit like this:

"In search of:  a man or woman who is willing to be small enough to listen, patient enough to stay, brave enough to go, and focused enough to remember who he or she is serving, regardless of what situation they find themselves in.  Willing to give up a lifetime of personal glory and accolades.  Short term anguish guaranteed.  Lifetime heavenly rewards waiting as well."

This posting is for all who follow Jesus.  It is not dependent on our talents or amazing abilities, but on our willingness to be small enough to be used.

The only real response to such a call is the one Isaiah made.  "Here am I, send me!"

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