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Friday, September 29, 2017

A Merry Heart

"Dad," my son, Vince, asked me. "Why don't fleas like it when dogs go to their circus?"

"I don't think that's the way you told this joke earlier," I said.  Vince had discovered a book called Stupid Jokes for Kids and had delved into it the way a diamond miner tackles a hole in the ground in South Africa.

"Because he'll take all the fleas with him when he leaves!"  Vince cackled with the hilarity of this joke.

"I thought," I said.  "That the joke was 'What happens when a dog goes to the flea circus?' and the answer was 'He steals the show.'"

"That's what I said," Vince told me.  "What do you call a band who kill germs?"

"I don't know," I said a little resignedly.

"The Bleach Boys!"  More cackling.  Even Victoria was giggling.  Apparently she thought Vince was the funniest nine year old out there.

I don't think any of my children have futures as comedians.  For one thing, they can't remember jokes at all and standing up, reading from a joke book is not generally entertaining.  For another, they have no sense of timing.  That's OK -- there are plenty of careers which don't involve standing on a stage trying to make people laugh.

The sound of children laughing uproariously can get old sometimes, but I still hope that they will keep merry hearts and a love of humor.  The Book of Proverbs says that "A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."  It really makes a difference when we are surrounded by others who keep a sense of joy about them, even in the darkest moments.

There is a time and place for everything and certainly there are times when joking just isn't in order.  Even in those situations, hope and joy can often make a difference to lift the spirit when the worst of news has just been delivered.

I know that my children's sense of humor will change over time.  They will not always think that "What did the Bee get when he stole the calendar?  Twelve months," is funny, but I hope they will be able to see the humor in every day situations and laugh -- even at themselves.

Sometimes the only thing that will heal a wounded heart is joy.

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