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Friday, August 26, 2016

A Perfect Reflection

As the sun crept closer to the horizon, I crouched behind my camera and looked across the lake.  In the predawn light, the trees were mirrored in the glassy surface of the lake.  A bird began to sing and I framed the image, trying to capture a little bit of the symmetry and beauty of the scene before me.

I have always thought that part of what makes photographs of lakes beautiful is the reflections we see there.  But, what is it that makes for a good reflection?

For one thing, the lake needs to be free of debris.  A stagnant lake that is covered with algae or, even lily pads will reflect very little. 

Then too, a lake must be perfectly still in order to be a good mirror.  Even a little breeze rippling the surface or the wake of a passing boat will be enough to break up the reflections in a lake's surface.

This world would tell us that we need to be ourselves -- our own best selves.  As nice as this thought is, it is far better to be a reflection of Jesus Christ.

In putting that into action, we must clear all of the "debris" that would obstruct such a reflection.  Things like anger, pride, and envy must go if we are to mirror Jesus' perfection.

Then, we must be at peace.  In tranquility it is far easier to express His presence, while a life in turmoil will be far removed from showing Christ and who He is.

This is our goal -- to reflect the love, compassion, and humility that Christ showed to us.  While we might be interesting to look at in our own right, it is when we reflect Jesus that the beauty will shine forth.

I pray that someday people will look at me and no longer see me at all, but rather a mirror, a reflection of my Savior -- pure and peaceful like the surface of a lake.

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