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Friday, August 8, 2014

Against the Current!

One day at school, my son Vince was standing, somewhat dejected, trying to make his way down a hallway in which a large number of students were moving in the opposite direction.  He was just one, small for his age, five year old boy trying to make his way against a tide of bigger children and making no progress. 

He saw a teacher walking in the same direction he was.  He looked up at her and then, trustingly placed his small hand in hers and walked beside her down the hall.

I think about this now, as I think of Dr. Kent Brantly, who left the possibility of a comfortable life and well paying job as a physician in the United States to minister to the poor in Liberia.  I think of my mother, who left her medical practice to teach high school in Niger.  There are so many who others who step out in faith, leaving the obvious path, not moving with the flow of society.

Robert Frost tells in the poem "The Road Not Taken" about two roads which diverged in a yellow wood.  The paths are a metaphor for life and the decisions we face there and as Mr. Frost looks at the roads, he decides to take the road that has been traveled less.

So often, though, we are called not to take a road that is seldom traveled, but a road in which all of the travelers are moving in the other direction.  Walking down such a road brings fear and uncertainty.

It is in this situation, as we question our road, our motives and our destination that we realize that our heavenly Father is standing beside us -- that He was there all of the time.  In that moment, the only way to go on is to trustingly reach up and take His hand and walk with Him into the future.

All the uncertainty will be replaced with confidence, for He is there.  For, when we are not enough, God is faithful and will lead us through corridors of opposition to the place that He has prepared just for us.

If we will but take His hand and let Him lead.

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