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Friday, July 15, 2022

The Parable of the Mangled Book



One fine day, my youngest son came to me.  “Please, Dad,” he said.  “I would ask of thee a boon.”

“Speak, my son,” I replied.  “I will not give thee half my kingdom, but I am willing to give thee many other things.”

“My father,” he said.  “Grant me this once that I might set up a tabernacle in our yard and there sleep a night or perhaps two.  For there I may hear the sound of Chuck Will’s Widow as I go to sleep or mayhap other night noises.  It may be that I sleep well without four walls around me.”

This request, being not so great or taxing, was granted and Elliot received permission to set up a tent and make his bed in the yard.  This he did for perhaps two nights, after which time he decided that he would rather sleep closer to a Bathroom.  So, he moved his bed back indoors.

A few days passed by in the blissful tumult that is early summer.  Then, one evening it decided to rain.  As I had not taken down the tent to this point, the next day I decided to fix this by taking it down and putting it away.

At this moment, I discovered that "someone" had left the door of the tent unzipped and a sleeping bag and a few book lay within.  One of the books that was closest to the door had decided to revert to it wood pulp state and was no longer able to be opened to any specific page.  It might be that a team of forensic scientists could have read its contents, but it was beyond anyone in our family’s ability to read it.

This book was from the “Series of Unfortunate Events” and truly, it had come to an Unfortunate End.

Beyond this, it was a library book.

Now, we are friendly with the librarians of Campbell County.  Yet, it is with great trepidation that those librarians view those of the Family of Waldron entering their libraries, for we (I do not say I) have lost (and paid for) more than a few books over a span of several years.

Thus, it was that Elaine paid for yet another book for our children and yet, it is not a book that we will read any more.  Because she paid this fine, those of our household are still able to withdraw (and occasionally lose) books from the library.

There are many debts that each of us owe, but the largest is the debt that we owe due to the hold that sin has on our lives.  This was a price that we simply could not pay.  We needed a Redeemer and so it was that Jesus, the Son of God, came to earth and atoned for our sins.

It is because of this that we may have freedom.  For the debt we could never pay has been paid for us.

The book of Unfortunate Events cost five dollars.  Our salvation cost Jesus His life.

He thought it was worth it because of how much He loved us.  We have only to accept His gift to have our debt paid and relationship with Him restored.

It may seem that the books we are writing with our lives come from the “Series of Unfortunate Events,” but there is no reason for them to come to an Unfortunate End.  Jesus has given of Himself that our books might have a different -- and better -- ending than they could and should have had.

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